While I'm on the subject of Superman, check this out....
Aug 30, 2007
Superman Retires
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 12:59 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: comic books
Indian Superman
You ain't seen nothing until you've seen Indian Superman and his super dance skills!
(thanks to Presurfer)
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 12:47 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: comic books
By The Power Of Greyskull!
"I have the powerrrrrr!!!!!"
Yes.... you certainly do.
And aren't you just sassy in your matching boots & loincloth?
Say Goldilocks, does you're mom know her wig is missing?
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 12:16 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: strange pics
Aug 29, 2007
I was feeling lazy tonight but also kind of experimental (emphasis on mental) in the kitchen when I got home tonight.
I wanted something "Mexican" but I still had leftover spaghetti from last night.
Hmmm... what to make, what to make?
Oh! I know!
I'll put some spaghetti between two tortillas slap on some grated cheese and heat it up in the oven!
Viola! Quesa-ghetti!
It was good, but sadly I don't think Taco Bell will be knocking down my door for the recipe any time soon.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 11:47 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: food
Evergreen State Fair
Well, I'm a little behind the times but here's how our day at the fair went;
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 10:25 PM 0 things people had to say
Aug 26, 2007
Show Me The Green, Baby!
"Man prints bogus $100 bills to buy lap dances at strip club"
You know, this would've been something out of an '80's movie. Something by John Hughes, maybe.
I can't believe nobody has tried it before. Maybe we just hadn't heard about until now.
I guess we know not to mess with a stripper and her money. If anybody is going to be familiar with the Benjamin's, it's gonna be a them.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 1:01 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: weird news
Aug 25, 2007
Look! Up In The Sky!
It's a bird!
It's a plane!
No, it's.... some tubby guy flying around?!?
I'm reading a comic mini-series called "Bizarre New World" about a guy who suddenly discovers that he can fly.
He's doesn't know how it happened or if it's permanent, and so he's not sure what to do about it.
It's a very interesting take on a character suddenly developing a 'superpower'.
I found out about it while I was reading Terry Moore's blog several months ago (Apr. 11, '07.... check the archives). The creator's of BNW had given him a copy to read and he really enjoyed it.
Being the "Moore Whore" that I am, I bought the first issue and it was a really great book.
I don't think I would have picked it up if it hadn't been recommended by someone I already enjoy reading from, so I'm glad I did it.
If you're looking for something that's not superhero-based, this is a fun story.
In the second issue the main character (who can now fly) asks a bunch of his engineer buddies how.. you know, HYPOTHETICALLY.. if a person could fly, what would be the scientific cause for it.
Their explanations and theories are pretty funny.
It's only three issues long, so not a big investment of time or money.
If you can't find it at your local comic book shop, you can buy the issues directly from the publisher.
In the meantime, you can pretend to be a chubby, middle-aged, blue-collar guy and fly around to your heart's content by visiting here.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 8:41 AM 0 things people had to say
Labels: comic books
Aug 24, 2007
Old Skool Fun
Remember the Atari 2600?
Ah.... graphics just aren't the same anymore.
Well, Dave Campbell from Dave's Longbox posted a link to a site where you can make your own labels for game cartridges. And I'm putting here for you to have fun with. (See how nice I am?)
But first, check out these games:
(Yes! A monkey. Riding a dog. Rodeo style. Ya-hoo, buckaroo!)
(Dive deep into your choice of caverns to fight the Nose Goblins and find the hidden treasure!)
(This is my 'tribute' to KMFDM who just released a new CD this week)
You can find the label creator here. Have fun!
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 12:44 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: games
Aug 22, 2007
No Love For Wal-Mart
I hate shopping at Wal-Mart.
On a recent (forced) visit to one, I was reminded just why other nations dislike us.
It could be because of their crappy wages and lack of proper health care for employees.
Or their eagerness to dominate the market and drive everyone else out of business.
Perhaps it might be because they are trying to find ways of not even paying employees at all now.
Not to mention that every inbred redneck in the surrounding area is there, standing in the aisles beating their kids or buying more sugary crap to feed their fat @$$'s.
I haven't yet seen the movie, but I'm wanting to watch "The High Cost Of Low Prices".
It's a scathing look at what that corporation is costing us as a society.
Anyway, I'm not going to keep going off on a tangent. I actually came across this video and wanted to share it.
I think it's been around for a couple of years, but I hadn't seen it until just now.
Pretty accurate depiction of what they are doing, in my opinion.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 12:45 PM 2 things people had to say
Labels: movies, stupid people
Aug 20, 2007
Cheap At Twice The Price
So I just found out that my blog is worth..... $0.00.
Yeah, that's right. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch.
My blog is worth $0.00.
How much is your blog worth?
I should feel bad, but then I found out that Technogreek's isn't worth anything either. (Sorry buddy!)
I guess these blogs are just a "labor of love" for us, huh?
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 9:37 PM 2 things people had to say
Man, I loves me the "Alien" movies.
Except for "Alien vs. Predator". That blew chunks!
If you're not familiar with them, the aliens incubate inside a "host" (human, dog, parakeet, etc...) thus taking on some of the attributes when they emerge from the host, and reaking holy living hell on everyone.
So... what if there was a sub-species that was vegetarian and not carnivorous?
Well, it would look like this I guess;
Imagine making a salad and having THIS pop out and go running across your counter top.
You can read about this picture here.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 12:48 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: cool pictures, movies
Aug 18, 2007
More fun in Missoula
I'll try not to make this post as long-winded as the previous one, but here are some more pictures from our vacation.
On one morning, Hotness & I had breakfast at Liquid Planet. We ordered coffee and crepes (mmm... yummy!)
Mine is in the foreground; a "shroomlette" with egg, mushrooms, cheese, and green onions. Hotness had a berry crepe with lots of fresh, mixed berries and whipped cream.
My brother called me the night before we left for Montana. He and some friends had gone to Sturgis for the bike rally, and was coming back through Missoula on his way home.
We caught up with him just a little bit outside of town. Our mom would be so proud!
Hotness and some of her friends from high school:
Here is the Big Dipper sign.
Great ice cream and certainly a place to stop at during a visit to Missoula during the summer!
One of the popular watering holes in town is "The Rhinoceros".
I've been buying T-shirts from there for the last few years, but never actually had a drink there... until this year.
The Hotness & I each enjoyed a shot of some fine Jose Cuervo La Reserva Tequila.
Expensive, but very smooth.
Another good tequila to add to my list of favorites!
Well, again... we had a ton of fun and good times. We took somewhere around 300 pictures between the two of us. W-a-y too many to post on here, but at least you got to see a few and get an idea of what we did and where we went.
Oh! Here's one other for you:
Hmm... that might explain why there was so much smoke during our visit.
Anyway, that's all for our Missoula trip.
Other things coming up soon are:
State Fair in Monroe
Weird Al Yankovic in concert
Labor Day weekend camping trip
Keep reading.......
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 1:12 PM 0 things people had to say
Aug 17, 2007
Aaaand.... We're Back!
Whew! What a great time we had on vacation.
My plans to climb the "M" trail were cancelled until another time, as trying to climb it with all that smoke didn't seem like such a good idea.
Her store has been very succcessful in such a small town, and she has been able to open up a second store in the Downtown shopping district. Congratulations!
It was too bad he wasn't there, I'd have really enjoyed hearing about the history of the mission. Well... maybe next time.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 12:27 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: comic books, cool pictures, food, Montana, music
Aug 15, 2007
Quickie Post - part 2
I'm using a dial-up connection today so I'm going to have to make this a short update.
Lots of stuff to tell you about and many, many pictures to share of our vacation.
Here's what to look forward to:
Hotness's 20th High-school reunion
blazing fires across Montana and the resultant smoke in the Missoula valley
good food
new aquisitions to my collection of dirt and rocks from around the world
fun at the symphony
Unfortunately I was not able to climb the "M" this year, mainly because of the smoke, but I'll talk about that more whan we get back home.
Well, hopefully that'll keep you waiting in suspense until I get back to tell you all about it.
More to come soon......
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 8:12 AM 0 things people had to say
Labels: Montana
Aug 7, 2007
Quickie Post
Not much to really say or talk about.
I just wanted to let anybody who is reading this know that we'll be leaving for vacation tomorrow morning.
I may not be able to update you on what is going on until we get back, so there might not be anything new for another week and a half.
However... when we get back I should have PLENTY to talk about.
And hopefully a view of beautiful Missoula, Montana as seen from the "M". (You'll see what I'm talking about)
So in the meantime;
eat your vegetables
mind your manners
say your prayers
and don't forget to brush your teeth and take your vitamins
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 9:47 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: Montana
Aug 5, 2007
Camping: Denny Creek
As I mentioned before, I had another camping trip coming up and hopefully it would be presented in "Rain Free" Edition.
Thursday night I spent gathering all my camp gear together so I could pack the car that night, but it got to be so late that I went to bed and planned to do it in the morning. Yeah, right!
Friday morning I was dragging and to top it off.... it was spinkling (not quite raining, but definitely wet).
"Ugh! I guess I'll come home and pack after work instead."
When I got to work, it started to rain even more and continued throughout the morning.
Talk about depressing! It had been nice ALL week until then. Why did it have to be raining now?!? My last 4 camping trips all involved being in the rain. Just great.
Then around 1:00 it stopped. At 2:00 you could see pieces of blue sky. By 5:00 it was sunny, dry and warm. Woo-hoo!!!
And it stayed nice all during our camping trip.
After work, I dashed home, packed the car and drove east on I-90 almost to the summit of Snoqualmie Pass to a little campground at Denny Creek. The campground is really nice and near a lot of great hikes for both experienced and novice hikers, as well as for children.
Anyway, I got there and was immediately fed a couple of hot dogs to keep up my strength so I could put my tent up.
Then I made some "pizza pockets" over the campfire. Other than that, Friday was relatively quiet.
Saturday, however, I got up and started a campfire and began making breakfast. I was soon joined by the rest of the campers and we all enjoyed a big breakfast!I made bacon & hashbrowns. G-Rod made toasted bagels with egg. And Atul made coffee.
Then we sat around and waited for more of our little group to show up, which they did around 10:00 a.m.
I went on a short hike with G-Rod, Sim, and Sim's mom up to the Slippery Slabs on Denny Creek.
We came back to get some lunch, and some of our group had arrived while we were away.
Lunch consisted of whatever anyone wanted to make and share, and then we proceeded to enjoy being in the outddors and fresh air:
The afternoon was sunny, so we made some "Sunprints" with leaves and flowers we collected on our hike earlier.
Later in the afternoon, some of our group had to leave and go home. They weren't able to stay for the night, but had just come out to visit.
We made another campfire, ate dinner. shifted our chairs as the campfire smoke blew in our direction, and 'chillaxed' some more.
Remember those huckleberries we picked at the last camp? Well, I brought 'em and made campfire huckleberry pies. Here's what they look like:
Put a little butter and cinnamon & sugar on one half of the pie-iron, place a piece of bread on it and then a spoonful of berries(1). Add some butter and brown sugar(2). Top it with another piece of bread(3) and then cook it over the coals of your campfire (or charcoal briquets).
And when you're done cooking it, hopefully it DOESN'T look something like this:
Yup! I burned mine ALL the way through. I had made three other ones earlier and they came out great, but when I got to mine I got sidetracked with something and it got burned to a cinder!
Needless to say, I didn't get to eat one so I don't know how it tasted. But everyone else who had one said they came out great. "No complaints here!"
In the middle of the night, after we'd all gone to bed, we had a night-visitor: Those dark-colored 'peanuts' are animal droppings. I'm not sure what it was that actually chewed through the plastic, but we had several critters running around the campsite.
This little guy was eating crumbs from a muffin that got dropped earlier in the morning.
And this dirty bird was taking advantage of the hole that got chewed through the lid to the nuts. He pecked at it for a while until he figured out how to get his beak in far enough to grab a cashew, then off he flew with his prize.
So to wrap it all up, we had an awesome fun time. The sun was shining. The campsite was dry.
Our short hike was pleasant. And great company was enjoyed with one another.
Our next trip is coming up Labor Day Weekend and hopefully the weather will turn out nice for that one as well.
Hotness & I will be taking off for vacation in a couple of days. If you don't see any posts for a while, fear not. I will return with stories and adventures from Missoula, MT.