I like shopping. Even more so than Hotness.
In fact, I've been known to do other people's shopping for them.
But when it comes to Christmas shopping, I get more and more burned-out by it every year.
This year I think I'm going to try and get all (or most, anyway) of my gifts online.
I have them sent to work, wrap them during lunch break or at home while Hotness is at the barn with her horse.
I don't need to drive around, trying to find a parking spot and avoiding the rude shoppers in the stores. No carrying bags from the car to the house hoping she doesn't see what I bought.
(Oh honey, is that a Victoria's Secret bag you just brought in with you? *blink-blink*)
Anyway, I thought I'd offer some help to those of you who feel the same or just don't know what to get people on your list.
If you have friends or loved ones who are very 'Earth-friendly', there are a couple of places online to help you find the right eco-happy present.
One place is Treehugger.com.
It's kind of a "granola" type information site, but they have a great list of helpful ideas to providing environmentally-sound gifts.
Or you can go to WasteFreeHolidays.com.
Give gifts that don't involve adding to our landfills with garbage. Give an experience instead.
Lots of great ideas for things to do that don't involve packaging, gift wrap and all the trash associated with opening presents on Christmas.
How about tickets to a concert or a theater play? Or maybe go to a sporting event?
Heck! You could even give your friends the gift of learning the bagpipes!
They have lots of different topics to choose from, and many of the companies listed offer discounts for buying them during the Holidays.
Of course, I'm not saying you shouldn't buy presents.
I'm just offering some ideas for those who don't want to shop or know what to get this year.
If you are getting presents, but don't have gift boxes for them, you can get something unique to put it in.
The Onion has an online store where you can buy gift boxes of bogus products.
Like this one:
Anyway, I hope this helps.
Happy Holiday shopping to you!