Aug 31, 2008

Sunday - Fair

This morning, Hotness and I got up and went to meet Qtilla in Monroe where we all spent most of the day at the Evergreen State Fair.

We met around 10:00 a.m. and then walked around checking out all the sites and eating food that is bad for us.

We all went for a Purple Cow and I was hoping to be lucky #13 (and thus get a free one) but was foiled yet again. For 30+ years I've been hoping to get a free one, and I was #12 today. No sooner had I paid for mine when the "clang-clang" of the winner bell rang. I had tried to talk Hotness into getting one with me, but she wasn't interested in any. Had she gotten one, I'd be a winner finally. It's all her fault. *sigh*

We checked out the animals, the antique tractors, the heritage museum, most of the commercial exhibits and breifly walked through the carnival.

It was fun hanging out, but trying to describe a typical day at the fair can be sort of boring. You need to experience it to get the real fun out of it.

Here are some pictures of our day:

goofy-looking emergency VW van

pygmy goats!


cool-looking Dahlia in floral dept.

After my deep-fried Twinkie earlier last week, I knew I didn't need another one ever again in my lifetime.
However, Technogreek said that the deep-fried Snickers was the bomb.... so I got one.

And it was truly yummy!

The weather held out and was nice while we were there, but started getting dark and as we were leaving to go to our cars, we felt the first few drops of rain start to come down.
Perfect timing.

Now we're back home and there's one more big day coming up..
Stay tuned.....

1 things people had to say:

Anonymous said...

Awesome rescue van!!