So I'm sitting in my room at 4:00 a. m. and there are 7 other people still hanging out in here with me.
It's the last day of "vacation" in Banff and nobody wants it to end so they aren't wanting to go to bed.
I'm looking forward to coming home (sort of) and blogging about my Calgary trip, but right now I'm just killing time listening to Josh Ortega talk (and talk and talk.....) while some of the artists are drawing in each others sketch books.
There's a Latin guitar CD playing in the background with a cover of the "Spider-Man" cartoon theme on one of the tracks.
I'd like to say to I want to go to bed, but really... I don't.
This is fun.
Hanging out in the room, listening to people in the comics business just be themselves without the typical convention type of conversation.
Well, hopefully I can sneak my sketchbook onto the table and get something while they're drawing.
We'll see........
Apr 29, 2009
Hanging Out And Staying Up Late
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 3:05 AM 0 things people had to say
Labels: comics, conventions, friends, geekness, music, vacation
Apr 24, 2009
Greetings From The "Other" West
Just a brief post to fill you all in on what's been happening.
Tuesday: flew out in the late afternoon with Technogreek from Sea-Tac headed for Calgary.
The flight went fine until closer to the Calgary airport. We hit some turbulence and I started getting queasy.
Made it off the plane and after a few hours of feeling nauseous, I started to feel better. Slept well and woke up the next day feeling much better.
Wednesday: A whole lot of nothin', really.
There were incidental things to do, but not a lot. Ate breakfast around noon. Ran some errands.
Looked over the convention schedule and made changes. That kind of stuff.
Thursday: Busier day. The rest of the Seattle crew came into Calgary around 1:30 p.m.
We all started stuffing badges, mounting signs, organizing exhibitor packets, framing art (for the art auction), etc....
That night we all went out to dinner at a steak restaurant. Yummy meat! I also had a pomegranate mojito. Woo!
Got back to the house (not staying at the hotel yet) around 2:00 a.m. Yikes!
Oh! Did I mention we had dinner with James Kyson Lee? Yeah. We did. He's a nice guy. Kind of "struts" as he walks. It's funny to watch.
Today: packed up my stuff as I am actually checking into the hotel today.
I'm also spending the day in the hotel lobby greeting guests (Oh.. like Jewel Staite, Terry Moore, Margot Kidder, Bruce Timm..... expecting to meet about 100 different guests as they check in)
I've got to give them their badges and program guide for the show.
I also have to get to a bank before they show up, as I'm starting to run out of my Canadian money I brought with me. I need to exchange the rest of my American cash.
On a side note; also hoping to hit a Tim Horton's this morning as well.
Anyway, I gotta wrap this up. Heading out to the hotel in a few minutes and I gotta give this laptop back to it's rightful owner.
I'll update again if time permits.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 8:34 AM 0 things people had to say
Labels: conventions, food, helping out, sickness, Terry Moore, travel
Apr 21, 2009
Leavin' On A Jet Plane
But I do know when I'll be back again.
I'm all packed (early for once, can you believe it?) and just waiting until I have to leave to catch my ride to the airport.
I'm charging up my phone batteries, loading up my iPod, grabbing books and stuff I want to get signed, and just enjoying the extra time off I have from work to do all of it.
This evening Technogreek & I are flying up to Calgary a few days early before the Expo.
We'll be joined by a few other Seattle volunteer alumni in a couple more days.
Last year's trip was hard work but a fun experience.
At least this year I'll be going into it with an idea of what to expect so I don't think it'll be too bad.
Plus I'll have the added bonus of seeing Terry Moore again! (Woo-hoo!)
Hopefully I'll be bringing back some cool new art. (And not just from him)
I'm also hoping to get my picture taken with Jewel Staite, since I wasn't able to at ECCC this year, so if that works out it'll be a nice addition to my wall.
So not really anything to blog about right at the moment.
Just letting you ya'll know that I'll be offline for a few days, but to expect lots of fun pictures and a convention report when I return.
If you read this and want to text me (and have my phone number), feel free.
I won't be answering any phone calls however.
In the meantime, be good to one another and GO OUTSIDE AND ENJOY THIS AWESOME SUNSHINE!!!!
Peace out.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 9:20 AM 0 things people had to say
Labels: comic art, conventions, vacation
Apr 19, 2009
Swan Lake & Spearmint
Yesterday Hotness and I took my aunt out for her (early) birthday present to see "Swan Lake" at the ballet.
It's something she's always wanted to see live and never had the chance until now.
She lives further north from us so pretty much our entire day was involved with getting ready, picking her up, driving to Seattle, and taking her back home.
We typically go in the evenings, but since this was a special treat for my aunt, we exchanged our tickets for a matinee performance.
We had a good time and she really enjoyed getting to go to the ballet.
For those unfamiliar with the story of Swan Lake, here's a brief synopsis:
Boy turns 21 and on his birthday a bunch of friends gather to celebrate. His mom (the Queen) gives him a cross bow, 'cause he like to hunt, and reminds him that he also is old enough to get married and will have to pick a bride soon. She will be holding a ball that next evening and he can pick one then.
The boy reluctantly agrees and then he sees a flock of swans in the sky, so he and his buddies take off to go hunting for them.
It's evening and as the swans land on the ground they turn into beautiful maidens.
The boy sees this and can't believe his eyes. He sends the other hunters home and dances with the most beautiful maiden, whom he finds out is the Queen of the maidens.
They have been cursed to live as swans by day, and only allowed to be human when night falls.
The boy is falling in love with the maiden and she tells him that the only way to break the curse is to pledge his faithfulness to her. About that time the wizard who cursed the maidens shows up and takes the Queen maiden away.
The next evening everybody is at the palace and the eligible brides-to-be are presented to the boy, but he's not interested.
Suddenly the wizard appears and with him is the Swan Queen.
Both she and the wizard are rather cold and rude the the boy and his mother, but the boy dances with her and can't believe that she has shown up to the ball.
Things don't seem right, as a vision of the Swan Queen appears to the boy, but he just passes it off and keeps dancing with her.
Finally they boy can't believe his good fortune and pledges his undying love and faithfulness to the young girl only to discover that she was a fake made to look like the Swan Queen and he has now doomed his true love to live with the curse forever.
The ball ends and the boy rushes out into the woods to find his love.
They dance and he begs for forgiveness but it's no good.
Although she forgives him, she is still cursed.
Finally the wizard appears and takes her away and the boy is left alone in his grief.
It's a classic in the ballet repertoire and full of beauty and tragedy.
We drove back north to take my aunt home and then headed home ourselves.
It was early evening, so we went to our neighbor's place and watched the last episode of "Dollhouse". I kind of like this show and hear it's been picked up for a second season, so it'll be cool to see how it develops further when it comes back.

scribbled down by Ferretnick around 2:50 PM 1 things people had to say
Labels: animals, ballet, birthday, family, life with Hotness
Apr 17, 2009
Support Your Local Music Store
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 4:17 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: holidays, music, things to do
Apr 16, 2009
For Lack Of Anything Intersting Happening
Seems like a lot of us are on "blog hiatus" recently.
Other than my ECCC convention reports, I really haven't had anything happen worth blogging about.
Stuff is coming up that'll be worth mentioning on here, but nothing just yet.
So until then, I have some random crap I found on the interwebs that I thought I'd share with ya'll.
Some 'circuitry snacks' for all you budding electrical types out there.
These look like a a lot of fun to make! I'll have to find a reason for making them soon.
(By way of the Presfurfer)
More geeky goodness.
A 'Missile Command' skirt.
Yeah. Awesome.
Too bad I couldn't get Hotness to wear one.
Intersting news from Russia.
Hairdresser turns robber into 'sex slave'.
Rawr! You go tiger!
Well, that's about it for now.
Stay tuned.....
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 12:46 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: excessive violence, food, geekness, linkdump, weird news
Apr 12, 2009
Serves Him Right.... The Big Douche

scribbled down by Ferretnick around 12:04 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: stupid people
"I'm Shaking My Butt!"
I got to spend some time with my niece and nephew on Friday before their dad and I took off to go watch a movie that evening.
She keeps getting sillier every time I see her and this last visit was no exception.
Here she is showing off her new 'skillz':
When asked where she learned this move, she replied; "I learned it from my momma".
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 11:34 AM 0 things people had to say
Apr 11, 2009
He Was A Baaaah-d Man
"Magic goat" arrested for armed robbery.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 11:11 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: animals, weird news
Salty, Smoky Goodness
The world's most perfect food just became even more perfect.
Researchers in England have discovered that bacon actually helps to cure hangovers better than other so-called remedies.
It's been a handed down remedy for years, but people assumed that food was 'soaking up' the alcohol which wasn't the case.
And having worked as a dishwasher for a while, I can attest to the enormous amounts of 'breakfast food' (pancakes, eggs, toast, and even bacon) that would get ordered shortly after the bars closed. Ironically enough... I never saw any leftover bacon on the plates I had to clean.
So in looking around the internet for other bacon-related information to go along with this tidbit of news, I discovered that Daniel Craig (the most recent James Bond) had a huge hankering for "Bacon Butties" while on the set during the filming of the last 007 movie.
Sounds like just the thing to have the morning after drinking all those "Vesper martinis", eh?
I did a search for a recipe and found various versions, including a scientifically proven formula for the "perfect" recipe.
They all sounded good, but there were a few constants amongst them all:
The bread must have a crispy crust
The bacon must also be crispy, so thin-sliced bacon is better than the thick-sliced variety
Sauce is optional, but ketchup seems to be one of the most commonly used
I'm thinking of trying one of these (in the interest of science, of course!) and see what all the fuss is about. It's very popular across the pond apparently.
If any of you have had one before (or try it our after reading this), please let me know what you thought of it in the comments.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 10:35 AM 0 things people had to say
Apr 10, 2009
Saber Fight
Another video for you in lieu of actual content.
How come this kind of thing never happens at any of the cons?
* Safe for work... unless people in their underwear is a problem for your boss & co-workers
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 6:24 AM 2 things people had to say
Labels: geekness, uncatagorizable
Apr 9, 2009
Inside All Of Us Is.... Poop
Your "nugget" of joy for the day:
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 12:09 PM 1 things people had to say
Labels: uncatagorizable
Apr 8, 2009
What A Jackass
Just breifly....
Here's a link to a podcast from a Canadian radio station.
The DJ was interviewing Billy Bob Thorton and his band, the Boxmasters.
The interview turns into a trainwreck and based on Billy Bob's attitude, I'll never buy or endorse any of his music.
What a total dick.
** Update 04/09/09
Now has picked up the story.
I still think the guy was a jerk.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 2:02 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: music, stupid people
Emerald City Comic Con - 2009 (Pt. 2)
So where did I leave off?
Oh yeah....
After making the rounds at Dragonfish and then going to our hotel room, I was pretty wiped out.
I figured sleep was only moments away and a good night's rest was about to happen.
That is, until I crawled into bed and started coughing. And coughing. And coughing.
I got up to go to the bathroom and blow my nose and cough, but I just couldn't stop.
I didn't actually get to sleep until after 1:00 a.m. Then I woke up coughing again around 4:30 a.m.
By the time Hotness and Ren woke up, I had been awake (and coughing) for a while.
They told me I didn't have to whisper anymore but my voice was gone. I couldn't talk above a whisper. Oh wonderful.
I didn't go for breakfast that morning, so I just grabbed a banana (potassium!) and headed over to the convention center. My mom was coming to the show early that day and I wanted to greet her and get her in as soon as she arrived.
Also we'd had some 'snags' with lunch delivery to the guests and I wanted to find out what the plan for the day was going to be. Turned out there wasn't one yet when I showed up.
I handed out a few miscellaneous comics to the people waiting in line to get in and then went and met my mom down in the lobby.
I showed her around until it was about 10:00 a.m. then left her to wander the floor while I attended to my duties.
I'm not going to go into great detail about Sunday, but it was not as pleasant a day as the second day usually is.
There were quite a few SNAFUs that prevented me from doing what I do properly, and it made me feel like I wasn't doing a good job.
Overall though, all the guests, attendees and exhibitors I spoke with had a great time and really love coming to Seattle for this show. So ultimately, things worked out well.
I didn't get around to see as many people as I had planned on doing, so I got only a couple of signatures. But I was able to add to my self-portrait sketchbook a little and I got a sweet piece of original art (which I haven't scanned yet, but will shortly). I also picked up a few new books and I got all three of the limited prints I had my heart set on getting. So I guess I can't complain.
Having been on my feet ALL DAY and talking (which further strained my cough-strained vocal chords), I was absolutely wiped out when the show ended.
I met up with Hotness and she was pretty much spent as well. Since she had to work the next day (which entails getting up early), we decided to skip the after-show festivities and go straight home.
From some of the pictures I've seen of the party, it figures that the one time we miss out on the dinner is the one time that the media guests actually went. *sigh!* Oh well.
I'm feeling much better and my feet don't ache as much, but my voice is still gone. It doesn't help that I talk on the phone all day at work, so it's not getting a chance to rest and heal.
I may not be singing any Ozzy tunes at the next Rock Band party any time soon at this rate.
Hotness, on the other hand is teetering on the verge of coming down with Con SARS. So she's taking it easy and hoping that rest will help to ward it off.
I'm still dosing up on echinacea, zinc and vitamin C just to give my system enough boost to get rid of this lingering cold.
I still have 2 weeks until I leave for Calgary and I don't want to sound like Rod Stewart.
So the show is over now and is just a memory.
I've got Calgary coming up, so I'll regale you with another con report soon.
In the meantime, I hope you are all well and if you made it to the show let me know.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 9:31 AM 0 things people had to say
Labels: comic art, comic books, conventions, friends
Apr 6, 2009
Emerald City Comic Con - 2009
The show is over, I've rested up a bit, and I'm now ready to share.

scribbled down by Ferretnick around 5:01 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: comic art, comic books, conventions, food, friends, Seattle, volunteering
Apr 3, 2009
Convention Time - Seattle Version
Well, this is it.
It's time once again for the Emerald City Comic Convention.
I'll be volunteering at the show, as will Hotness, so I'll be "off-the-grid" for the next few days.
Look for my report of the show, complete with pictures and hopefully a bunch of new art next week after I recover.
If you're coming out to the show, make sure to say "hi"when you're there.
Be back soon!......
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 4:46 AM 0 things people had to say
Labels: comic art, conventions, helping out, life with Hotness, Seattle, volunteering
Apr 2, 2009
Just In Time
After having a total blast of fun last weekend, I woke up on Monday feeling off-kilter.
I immediately starting taking extra vitamin C and echinacea w/ zinc to ward off any bad "cold germ" mojo.
It seems to have worked for the most part.
I'm not at 100 % yet, but I'm feeling about 75 - 80% right now, which isn't too bad.
I'll be running on adrenaline during the show, so that'll make up for whatever 'health' I'm lacking.
Unfortunately I'll just have to be prepared to CRASH after the show is over when my system realizes I've overworked it.
But wait! That's not all.
On Tuesday I broke out in a rash and couldn't figure out why. It was all over my body in splotches and especially my hands and head.
I suffered through it and it seemed to get a little better by that evening.
Then on Wednesday morning, while I was in the shower it happened again, only this time more severely.
Apparently I was allergic to something in the soap that I was using. Hotness had just put a brand new bar in the shower on... you guessed it, Tuesday.
So by the second time I was using it my body said "Whoa! This isn't cool, so I'm going to turn all red and rash-like now!"
So Wednesday was actually worse than the day before, and it continued to itch and hurt into that evening.
It's getting much better, thanks to an oatmeal bath, some hydrocortisone and lots of moisturizer.
The red spots aren't so red and it doesn't itch as much.
I'm hoping it'll all be gone by Friday so I wont look like a patchwork freak for the show.
This stuff couldn't have happened at a better time, I tell ya!
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 12:42 PM 1 things people had to say
Labels: sickness
Apr 1, 2009
Did Somebody Say "BACON"?

scribbled down by Ferretnick around 10:01 AM 2 things people had to say