Last night I met up with Beer Gardens and we drove into Ballard to watch Kyle Stevens play his last local show for the year.

Like a breeze of minty-fresh air
Serving up humor, embarrassing moments, weird news, and other crap like that on regular basis.
Last night I met up with Beer Gardens and we drove into Ballard to watch Kyle Stevens play his last local show for the year.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 5:24 PM 2 things people had to say
Labels: weird news, zombies
So I'm assuming that everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.
At least, that seems to be the story from everyone I've talked to lately.
Despite home-forclosure worries, a precarious economy, and job-related stress it seems that most everyone was still able to relax with family and friends and reflect on what they still have and be thankful.
Hotness and I spent the afternoon with friends and just had a really nice time.
The kids kept themselves entertained and nobody got hurt. Our conversations were lively. And the food was incredible.
Your's truly made the three-cheese macaroni (with and without bacon).
I also tried out a new pie recipe: Pear ginger maple pie. (By the way, I used Bartlett pears as they were kind of big and I could get a little more than 1 cup per pear. I also used a pre-made pie crust... thank you Top Foods!... for both the bottom and top, instead of the topping in the recipe. I just cooked it a little longer to compensate, like 50-55 minutes) It was fantastic and I plan on making it again.
And I made a tried-and-true favorite; double layer pumpkin cheesecake. Oh my goodness, I love this recipe and so does everyone else!
Lot's of stuff happening this holiday weekend. What with the Macy's parade crowd getting Rick-rolled live to a human stampede at Wal-mart in New York State on Black Friday (by the way, there are not enough words to describe the amount of disgust regarding that incident).
We even had a bit of drama in my neck of the woods. A driver lost control of her car and ran head-first into a guard rail early Friday morning. The car caught on fire but luckily her husband was able to get her out of the vehicle in time. She escaped with a broken leg and a few other injuries, but is alive and expected to make a full recovery.
Yesterday was spent playing games with my co-workers kids (yay Heroclix and ZOMBIES!!!), followed by Hotness and I going to see James Bond kick some @$$. (I'd seen it, but she hadn't yet). I really liked this movie. Not as much as "Casino Royale" but still worth it's salt as a Bond film, in my opinion. It wraps up "CR" nicely so that Bond can move on.
This morning, we got up and went into town to have breakfast with one of our neighbor-friends.
And in a little bit, I'm taking off to meet somebody (who contacted me via a mutual friend) to show off some of the comic artwork I've collected over the years.
Later tonight, I'll be joining Beer Gardens and watching Kyle Stevens perform live in Seattle tonight.
I'll let you know how the show was.
Enjoy the rest of your day....
I debated whether or not to post this for a while now.
It's freaking funny (in my opinion, anyway) although it is debatable as to whether it is safe to watch at work.
There's absolutely NOTHING to see that'll get you in trouble but the 'scenario' might raise a few eyebrows if they saw it over your shoulder.
Starring Nathan Fillion (Firefly, Serenity, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog) and Aria Giovanni (the next Anna Nicole Smith... without the drugs and crazy), I present to you:
Nailing Your Wife
I hope you enjoyed it.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 7:37 PM 3 things people had to say
Labels: embarrassing moments, innuendo, uncatagorizable
I just want to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving today.
Whether you're with family, or friends, or just staying home and avoiding people, I hope you have a wonderful day.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 9:30 AM 2 things people had to say
Labels: holidays
And by "brush" I mean hardly even close... but you'll see.
A couple of years back, while working in the front office, I got a call one afternoon;
Me: "Hello, Company X. How can I help you?"
Customer: "Yeah, do you carry brand Y inserts for sheet metal?"
M: "Do you have a particular part number for the one you're looking for?"
C: "Well, I need it to have X threads and be X long. I'm thinking maybe part number 123xyz."
M: "Let me see." (tappity-tap on the keyboard) "Um, no I don't but I can check with the factory about getting some. How many did you need?"
C: "I only need a few, like maybe a handful. About 8-10 pcs."
M: "Hmmm... well that wouldn't be enough for a minimum from them but I can see about getting some as samples for you. Can I get your name and a number to reach you back at?"
C: "Yeah. It's Anthony. Anthony Ray. My number is xxx-xxxx. That's my cell so if I don't answer just leave a message."
M: "Alright, I'll call you back and let you know what I find out."
So I call the mfgr. and order up some samples and have them sent out to us via the U.S. mail.
I called the customer back, "Hi Anthony? I'm just calling to let you know that they were able to send out some samples for you. They're coming out in the mail so we'll probably have them in about a week. We'll give you a call when they get here and you can pick them up or we'll ship them out to you."
Customer: "Alright, thanks. I appreciate you getting back to me. I'll look forward to hearing from you when they come in."
Cut to a week later~
I'm in Montana with Hotness on vacation. We're sitting in an Arby's having lunch when her cell phone rings.
She picks it up, "Hello? Yeah he is. Just a second" and she hands it to me.
It's one of my co-workers and he says, "You will never guess who was here to see you!"
"You're right I won't. So who?" I said.
"Sir Mix-A-Lot! He was just here to pick up parts you ordered as samples for him!" he says."Uh.... yeah. I'm on vacation so thanks for the trying to joke but I'm going to get back to my lunch", I said and then hung up.
A minute later the phone rings again. This time it's G-rod.
"Hey man, we're serious! Sir Mix-A-Lot was just here and picked up the parts you got in for him. He signed one of your worksheets on your desk. He asked where you were, but we told him you were on vacation so he left you an autograph. You TOTALLY missed him dude!"
In case you need a refresher, here's what Mix-A-Lot likes:
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 2:38 PM 2 things people had to say
Last night was the big night! The "Crater on the Moon" comic book release party!Hotness and I headed down from the mountains to brave the big city and make an appearance at the Comics Dungeon for Keith's self-published labor of love.
We were also joined by Elwood who came out to show his support.
(He has a great review of the event over on his blog if you want to check it out)
Here's him and Hotness before the festivities took place:
And I also got a brief interview with the comic creator himself:
(Sorry about the music, I didn't know the microphone picked it up as much as it did)
There were some nifty door prizes being given out. One of the prizes was a hand-knitted afghan by Keith's mom! (Somebody won some cool swag, but I won't mention any names. *cough!*)
There was music, and although I did bring my Jew's harp I didn't get a chance to join in with the band. (My instrument isn't really "jazz worthy")
Since it's a long drive back home from Seattle, Hotness and I cut out after a couple of hours along with Elwood.
The three of us walked down to Dick's for a quick burger
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 12:23 PM 2 things people had to say
Labels: comic books, embarrassing moments, friends, music, Seattle
Thanksgiving is almost here. Only a few more days away.
So here's a video to remind us of some things to be thankful for;
Skinny ties, hair-metal bands, girls rolling around on cars.... generally everything the 80's had to offer.
Oh, and MILFS. Rawr!
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 10:00 AM 2 things people had to say
Labels: music, Music Madness Monday
I went over to see my mom this weekend (well, Friday night / Saturday at least).
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 9:06 AM 0 things people had to say
Labels: art, comic books, technology, things to do
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 12:34 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: creepy, weather, weird news
Oh Snap!
You've been Rick-rolled!
Or has Rick been rolled himself? Hmmm....
Thanks to Elwood for bringing this to my attention!
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 10:00 AM 1 things people had to say
Labels: music, Music Madness Monday
The fossilized remains of an ancient prehistoric Pac-Man:
(Just kidding! Found out about it here.)
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 7:09 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: games, geekness, strange pics
Well, okay maybe it's a little late for the "2000" part but you can still turn your car into an unstoppable killing machine with only a few adjustments.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 4:12 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: advice, animals, automotive, excessive violence, things to do
It's been quiet out at our place. Aside from the rain, that is.
Our garbage cans have remained upright. My birdfeeders have stayed empty and the seed tucked away safely where un-gentle Ben can't get to it.
No problems.
Until last night.
Sometime around 9:00 - 10:00 p.m. I thought I heard noises outside but I couldn't make iut what they were.
With all the rain and wind we've been having, I chalked it up to being that and didn't go out to investigate. (Well... that and I was being lazy)
This morning,I'm trying to get out of the house and get across the valley before traffic gets all goobered-up and as I drive out to the road.... awaiting me is our trash can tipped over and the garbage spread out all acorss the road.
Oh yippee.
So I went back and got my gloves and picked it all up, put it in the trash can and then saw something in the mud next to where it was.
A paw print:
A big F'ng paw print!
( I put a quarter next to it for size comparison)
Looks like my nefarious night-prowler hasn't gone away for the cold months quite yet.
Guess I'll be waiting a little longer before filling the bird feeders again.
There's been some speculation that this isn't a bear, but rather a cougar.
I maintain that it's a bear because;
a) I've actually seen it and there are other reports of it's activities in the area
b) cougars don't dig in the garbage (or eat birdseed)
Check for yourself. Bear or Cougar?
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 12:50 PM 0 things people had to say
Man! There has been a lot of rain lately.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 4:20 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: nature, uncatagorizable, weather
How in the world did I ever miss this until now?
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 10:00 AM 1 things people had to say
Labels: Music Madness Monday
Some of you may not know this already, but I am actually a character in a comic book.
I play XT Space Marine, Mike Valera in Gus F. Martin's "Crater on the Moon".
It's an updated version of the Greek myth, "Jason and the Argonauts" done in fumetti style.
Here are a few of my "scenes" in issue #7:
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 8:02 PM 4 things people had to say
Labels: comic books, comics, friends, geekness, music, Seattle, things to do
I'm not going to harp on you if you didn't, but this was a very important election.
If you didn't... well, you must've had your reasons.
But if your 'reason' was laziness, then you have no excuse after reading this:
Determined Texas woman, 92, votes in ambulance
You did see that she was 92 years old, right? NINETY-TWO!!!
And she STILL made it to the polls to cast her vote.
I hope we all made the right choices today and got out to vote.
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 6:50 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: uncatagorizable
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 12:50 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: weird news
That's NOT my name and neither is it the name of a kid from the U.K. who recently changed his name to (and I'm not making this up):Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk And The Flash Combined.
That's quite name.
(I hate to inform him, but Spider-man is hyphenated. Just saying.)
And why exactly did he do it?
Because he "wanted to be unique".
I have a lot of personal experience with geek culture and I can safely agree that he will definitely be unique. And probably dateless and / or jobless with a name like that.
I mean, if you were of the female side of the population how would you respond to;
"Hi! I'm Captain Fantastic. Would you like to have dinner with me?"
Or if you're going to get something to eat and you heard this;
"Welcome to Burger Buster. I'm Captain Fantastic. May I take your order?"
Would you trust your stock portfolio to somebody named Capt. Fantastic? Would you let your daughter go out on a date with a boy named that? What if they got married?!?
I'd laugh myself silly upon hearing "I'm Captain Fantastic".
"Yeah, and I'm Baron Von Footupyourass."
I guess the only cool thing about it is that he decided on doing it himself. His parents didn't force him into having a name like that. So if he's happy, well.... whatever. Live and let live I suppose.
I just hope I don't meet him. Not that would beat him up. I just don't think I could actually look at the guy and have a conversation after hearing him say his name.
I'd be too busy laughing.
In totally unrelated news:
Ew! Ick!
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 4:28 PM 0 things people had to say
Labels: comics, geekness, stupid people, weird news
Who doesn't like cookies?
It's always a good time for them!
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 10:00 AM 0 things people had to say
Labels: music, Music Madness Monday
scribbled down by Ferretnick around 11:39 AM 0 things people had to say